










I help SaaS businesses to unlock their revenue potential based on 8+ years of experience in RevOps & Management Consulting

Paweł Nical's image

Your path to revenue growth
with Revenue Operations

RevOps helps to connect the dots between strategy & execution by developing and integrating 5 core business areas


Shared Objectives & KPIs

Unified Customer Journey

Holistic Go-To-Market Strategy


End-to-End Revenue Model

Unified Data & Analytics

Actionable Business Insights


Effective Change Management

Impactful Onboarding & Training

Shared Knowledge Base


Scalable Process Design

Cross-Team Process Alignment

Continuous Process Improvement


Reliable Tech Stack Architecture

Seamless Data Integrations

Efficient Workflow Automations

Paweł Nical's Image

Let's connect the dots

Contact me

Paweł Nical's Image

About Me

I am a RevOps Advisor with a proven track record of scaling B2B businesses

For over 8 years, I have been helping companies build successful strategies and scalable operations, both as an advisor and senior manager.

I collaborate with B2B businesses at different growth stages, identifying factors that slow down their revenue engines and providing strategic guidance to grow faster and more predictably.

My Experience

My recent RevOps impact


Strategic RevOps Advisor

Advising founders & executives of multiple B2B tech companies across Europe and United States

Venture Partner at Movens Capital, a leading VC fund in CEE, and RevOps Expert at Movens Advisory


Head of RevOps at Nethone

Led expansion of the RevOps area to a highly effective team of 9, fuelling remarkable growth

Facilitated Strategic Acquisition by Mangopay Group, backed by EUR 75M investment from Advent International

Co-developed new GTM Strategy & PLG channel


RevOps Manager at Nethone

Built high-performing RevOps team from scratch

Played a key role in Nethone’s progression from Seed stage to Series A funding of USD 6.7M

Strengthened outbound sales channel by introducing SDR and Market Intelligence functions


Real people, real opinions

See what people I worked with say about me

Eric Alegre's Image

Eric Alegre

VP of Sales, Nethone

Pawel is an outstanding RevOps professional with a deep understanding of the B2B sales process and a proven track record of building effective outbound strategies.

Jakub Startek's Image

Jakub Startek

CEO & Co-founder, Grafit

Paweł nailed our GTM Strategy and HubSpot implementation, he’s a game changer I'd suggest for any growth-focused founder.

Maciej Jamiołkowski's Image

Maciej Jamiołkowski

Country Manager PL, LexisNexis

Paweł's deep understanding of the business and ability to identify and address improvement areas were crucial in helping Nethone to scale and achieve its revenue goals.

Advisory Services

Let’s work together

Advisory Project

One-off Project

One-off project on a topic related to RevOps or Go-To-Market Strategy

Discovery meeting to align on the needs, project scope and expected outcomes

Regular workshops & asynchronous collaboration via Slack and Notion

Dedicated advisory workspace on Notion with projects roadmap, notes & resources

RevOps Assessment

In-depth Discovery

Detailed assessment of the Revenue Operations maturity

In-depth interviews with stakeholders

Audit of internal strategy, data, processes and tools architecture

Summary session with Q&A and a deck with next steps recommendations

Dedicated advisory workspace on Notion with project roadmap, notes & resources

Fractional RevOps

Long-term Partnership

Long-term cooperation: 3 months+ and time commitment of 20h+ per month

In-depth RevOps maturity assessment

RevOps Roadmap implementation and roadmapping process coordination

Strategic & operational RevOps projects coordination

Regular RevOps advisory, best practices sharing & benchmarking

Dedicated advisory workspace on Notion with projects roadmap, notes & resources


Enhanced Solutions Through Integrated Expertise


Teaming up with industry experts brings added depth to my services. By combining our expertise and technology, we're unlocking new possibilities for your revenue operations!

Become a partner
Strategic Partner

RevBrains is a leading global consultancy providing full-scale RevOps implementation & transformation projects for SaaS businesses.

Tech Partner

Pyne is an innovative revenue operating system enabling B2B scale-ups to close the gap between planning & execution.

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